How can I get paid for my personal data?

Teresa Grobecker
2 min readOct 30, 2022

Have you ever wondered how companies make money off of your personal data? Facebook, Google, and other tech giants have built their businesses by collecting as much data on users as possible and then selling it to the highest bidder. But what if there was a way for users to get paid directly for their data? That’s where blockchain comes in. Blockchain is a decentralized, secure way to store and share data. And because it is decentralized, it doesn’t rely on any one company or organization to keep track of the data. That means that users can be sure that their data is secure and private. And because blockchain allows users to get paid for their data, it provides a way for people to monetize their financial information. So if you’re looking for a way to get paid for your personal data, blockchain is a great option.

Most people are unaware that they can actually get paid for their personal financial data. With the rise of blockchain technology, individuals are now able to monetize their own financial information. So how does blockchain securely store and share my personal financial data? When you sign up for a blockchain platform, you are given a unique digital key. This key allows you to access your account and transact with others on the blockchain. Your personal data is stored on the blockchain in a secure and immutable manner. In order to get paid for your personal data…



Teresa Grobecker

CEO Consortia, blockchain for real estate, lending, capital markets, personal data and referrals