Why blockchain can track your referrals better than humans

Teresa Grobecker
2 min readOct 30, 2022


Blockchain offers a solution to the referral tracking industry by providing perfect tracking of referral data. blockchain technology can be used to create a decentralized database that stores referral information in a public and transparent manner. This would allow for referrals to be tracked perfectly, without any human error. In addition, blockchain could also help to reduce fraudulent activity in the referral industry by providing a secure and immutable record of referral data. As a result, blockchain offers a powerful solution for tracking referrals, and has the potential to transform the industry.

There are a number of reasons why blockchain can track referrals better than any other technology on the market. First and foremost, blockchain is an immutable ledger, meaning that once information is entered into the blockchain, it cannot be changed or tampered with. This is in contrast to other systems which are often reliant on human input and are therefore subject to human error. With blockchain, referrals can be perfect tracked from start to finish, providing an accurate and complete record of all interactions. In addition, blockchain offers increased transparency and security, as all data is stored in a decentralized network. This makes it much more difficult for bad actors to manipulate or tamper with referral data. As a result, blockchain provides the perfect solution for tracking referrals accurately and securely.

Blockchain is often hailed as a game-changing technology that has the potential to revolutionize a wide range of industries. One area where blockchain may have a particularly profound impact is in referral tracking. Traditional referral tracking systems are often hampered by human error, as it can be difficult to accurately keep track of who made a referral and when. blockchain, with its tamper-proof ledger system, offers the perfect solution to this problem. By recording referral data on the blockchain, businesses can be confident that they have a complete and accurate record of all referrals. This could potentially save businesses a considerable amount of money, as well as making it easier to identify and reward top performers. In addition, blockchain-based referral tracking systems also have the potential to provide users with more transparency and control over their data. Rather than relying on a central authority to manage referrals, blockchain allows users to track referrals themselves. This could help to build trust between businesses and their customers, as well as providing valuable insights into customer behavior. Given the advantages that blockchain offers, it is likely that we will see more and more businesses adopting this technology for referral tracking in the years to come.

Written by Teresa Grobecker, CEO of reconsortia.com, which tracks referrals on blockchain.



Teresa Grobecker

CEO Consortia, blockchain for real estate, lending, capital markets, personal data and referrals reconsortia.com